Penderyn Kosher Whiskies

Four Penderyn Whiskies gain Kosher Certification

Media, Products

Towards the end of 2018 our US Importers, Impex Bev, asked us if we’d consider making our whiskies Kosher as the Kosher market is particularly strong in the US. This started a process which recently resulted with the great news that four of our whiskies (Rich Oak, Myth, Peated and Celt) can now be classified as Kosher, with our Gins and Vodka set to follow.

Kosher basically means a product whose ingredients and manufacture are compliant with Jewish dietary law. There are many ‘Kosher’ rules & regulations, some dating back as far as 3500 years, but fundamentally whisky and spirits can be called Kosher if they haven’t come into contact with non-Kosher grape liquors. Our Peated range (Peated & Celt), and our STR range (Myth and Rich Oak) come under this category, and can now be called Kosher with potentially more of our products to follow. 

We had several visits from Rabbi Akiva Padwa who specialises in Kosher alcohol, who came to evaluate our products and processes for the Kosher-licensing company KLBD, and we learned a great deal from the Rabbi about the fascinating history behind many Kosher regulations.

Gaining a Kosher certificate doesn’t just mean that those who follow Kosher practices can now enjoy our whiskies, but also attests that our manufacturing standards and controls are of the highest level, as the Hebrew word ‘Kosher’ also means ‘genuine and legitimate’.

Stephen Davies, Penderyn’s CEO, said: ‘We are delighted that a number of our core range whiskies can now be branded as Kosher. This is an important part of our expansion in the US as well as other countries where Kosher whisky is in demand.’

When we emailed Sam Filmus, President of Impex Bev in San Francisco he replied: ‘This is the greatest news ever!  Mazel Tov!’

Incidentally, the Kosher branded whiskies are all exactly the same as before, so those of you who already enjoy our whiskies can be assured that you can continue to enjoy the exact same product, but soon you will see a small KLBD mark in gold on the relevant whiskies. Gin and Vodka will get a certification in the new year and other whiskies as and when they are approved.